Bop Logo: A logo quiz with a difference.

DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
My game just went live.


Proud to announce Bop Logo for FREE.




Think you know logos?

A new type of logo quiz has arrived. No more typing! No more multiple choice! This time you need to KNOW YOUR LOGOS. We've taken some of the most famous and well known logos and tweaked bits and pieces here and there. You'll have a choice of 3 logos presented each time. 2 are wrong and one is right.

We start you off with 25. You need to get 25 (at least) right to complete the game. Look out though, get one wrong and you'll need to get another 5 right. Maybe you'll prefer to the use the magic button that will delete one of the wrong logos (You only need to guess another 3 logos then). Or better yet use the skip button to skip it all together. We understand that no everyone can know every logo, right?

Which ever way you choose to complete your game, just do it quick, because the timer is ticking and at the end you'll earn your Bop Logo score. Just like golf, Lower is better. When your happy with your Bop Logo score, tweet it! Brag about. Not many people will be as good as bopping as you.



Complete 5 games and you'll earn the right to shorten the game by 5. Meaning you only need to get 20 logos correct. This will help you earn a lower Bop Logo score. Right?

Keep playing until you only need to play 5 at a time. Wow, so easy when you only need to guess 5 logos.


5 CATEGORIES are available to play

- TECHNO (FREE with this version)
- TRANSPORT (Available for purchase)
- FASHION (Available for purchase)
- MARKET (Available for purchase)
- PLAY ALL (Available for purchase - AND unlocks all levels above)



Each category has it's own leader board in Game Center, so it's fun to see how your Bop Logo score compares with your friends.

Don't forget to leave a review or share this game with your friends. the more people playing it, the funner it will be!


I hope you all can take some time and download and try to get one game finished - it's harder than it looks. I also hope you like it enough to purchase some of the other categories.




  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    Wowsers! Looks like an epic game, and finally something a little different! I love the new approach, and can only wonder how long it took you to make all of the variations :-B

    Best of luck with it!
    - Thomas
  • PBEmpirePBEmpire Member Posts: 676
    Love the twist!
  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    Thanks guys. This has been in production a long time. I only do this part-part time. Finally glad to see it in the store.
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited June 2013
    Congratulations on the awesome looking game! Sweet logos :)
    Although isn't having 3 logo to choose from == multiple choice? You might want to make some changes or rewording in your blurb/description. Some typos here and there also.
    But other than that congratulations again and I wish you the best of luck with downloads! :)
  • kinzuakinzua Member Posts: 554
    Just played it. Nice game buddy. I actually played it again to win for once. Nice twist and very nice execution. PLays well on all devices.
  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    @TheGabfather Yes. it is multiple choice! I didn't see it like at the start. I was referring to the games that offer a glimpse of the logo, then a list of company to choose from. Oh well. I guess I still am multiple choice, but different.

    Thanks for playing @kinzua
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    That looks hard! Even for a graphics guy like me ;) I'll post a link on my Facebook page. A lot of my friends there are graphic designers.
  • BoomshackBarryBoomshackBarry Member Posts: 712
    This is a nice twist on the usual logo quizzes, nice one!

    It still makes me nervous every time I see one of these due to the legalities of using other peoples work, but there's so many logo quizzes about already maybe it counts as fair usage?
  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    @LudwigHeijden that is so kind of you to share on your facebook. I'd like to return the favour. Let me know the link.

    Also the short URL is now working. Seems to take a while for it to work:

    @BoomshackBarry I'm not sure of the legality either, BUT it's absolutely free advertising for all those companies. They would be usually be paying big money to get their brands put on things. Anyway if any of them would like to be removed, it's an easy update to remove them.

    And your right. The whole logo app genre has blown right out. They are everywhere. I just hope that this is something new and enjoyable for all the logophiles.
  • BoomshackBarryBoomshackBarry Member Posts: 712
    Yeah I honestly can't see any of those companies ever demanding a cease and desist for these kind of apps, I just like to lean toward the side of caution.

    And yeah there are a lot of logo quizzes, although yours is clearly different. I hope people take note of that and don't gloss over it, assuming it to be the same as all the others! Good luck :)
  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    So, it's been live for a few days now. I type logo in the home page of the app store and it's at least showing on the main first screen. (In Australia)

    Can anyone spot any other gamesalad titles there?
    Where does my app show when you type "logo" in the search?
    And what country are you from?

  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    15th row in the Philippines :( man, there's a lot of logo quiz games..
    I guess it's a really tough category, especially because most if not all are Free apps. But I like your game nonetheless.
  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375
    United States:
  • DoguzDoguz Member Posts: 500
    Thanks Gab. And also BJ thx for the screen shot. Encouraging to see it ranks 1 higher in the states!!
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    Very innovative twist! :)>-

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