did anyone have ever made 1 million dollars using Gamesalad?
So guys, i was looking at some games made with Gamesalad, and some games are pretty cool and possible they had good sells, like Chesseman ( still think this is the best Gamesalad game ever made ) and LAD, so i was wonder, did any Game, made with Gamesalad had reached 1 million sells?
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1 Millllliiiooooon Dolllars...:)
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Lump Apps and My Assets
Without funding, how does the game maker make?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Still, I agree with the ethos, if your goal is to get rich quick, i think you'll find you'll fail. It's such a hard market now, if you're not doing it for the love of creating games, you're likely to end up depressed and disappointed
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I tried to go down the minute burner route with LAD:Run but it actually ended up taking a lot and I got a bit carried away with it in places. D'oh! Seeing that you update content is always good too.
You don't go to a Ferrari store and say 'hey, i would have bought that if it were free.' People pay for the hard work and choices that went behind it and likewise Ferrari charges for that sweat. And boy, do they have a big mouth when asking for the price it is worth. Well , hell yeah.
Everyone puts money down as if it's shameful to strive towards. Is it more greedy to say your goal is to make it big, than to make a decent living selling templates? Nobody seems to think about it that way. There are the people who love games, the people who love money, and the people who love both.
Bottom line, make a great game and hope for the best. If you don't hit the mark you want, try again.
@kinzua In relation to the ferrari store, I often use big purchase items like that to help motivate me to finish something. It helps, trust me!
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I have no need to make it big but am trying to make a living. So indeed no shame on asking money. No one can live on Rock 'n' Roll alone.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Having ambitions and dreams of making money is fine, just hopefully you want to do it by making good games and not jumping on a cash cow and exploiting people
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS