Give me some topics to cover in videos for the community.
I usually make my videos based on the kinds of reoccurring question I see on the forum. Lately it's been slow around the forums. Give some input on what kind of things you feel we need more coverage of.
1. Video on "how to get a million downloads"
2. Video on "how to deal with failing at getting a million downloads"
3. Video on "how to create a another clone"
On all seriousness, there isn't really anything that needs to be covered that hasn't been covered. I hear all this new features that are coming soon, which you have already done some stuff on like loops, so I would support you to work with new features
Keep up the great videos
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Just rename your gamesalad.dmg file to gamesalad 10.3
When a new one comes along dont update the old one - simply download the new one from the website
Now you have 2 versions.
I understand from posts that it is not the best but it may help - me at least. I currently use 'display text' to help but it gets rather cumbersome.
Regardless, Thanks for all the ones you have done thus far as I have found them very helpful!!
How about a tutorial on text tweaks using the Display Text function? Such as adding spaces when loading and displaying text data from tables, inserting commas for large numbers, etc. I've seen a number of folks use cool text editing / modifying tricks with the Display Text function but they've never been shared and documented.
BTW - big thanks for taking up the mantle of uber-video tutor. Kudos to you, sir!
- KS
I say, new GS minutes focused on optimising game performance. You can never have enough of those
As already stated, a AI instructional video would be great, no doubt. Perhaps something simple, for all the newbie folks like myself would be to take some of the templates and break them down, walk us through them. I know I would personally buy many more if I thought I could customize them. Most of the purchased ones are going unused until much later in the future. Just a thought, from the template challenged.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
- How to do a simple dip to and fade from black between scenes.
- Positional audio (the way you can move past sound, like in Audio Invaders :-)
- Video about adding polish to a simple game idea to make it look awesome...I've seen something similar but not directly GS related. i.e make a Pong style game but keep adding polish to it. (adding buttons that react to touch, eyes on the block that look towards the touch X and Y, particle explosions... More about how game can be improved with polish than the nitty gritty of how to do it.
@Dues for me teaching one how to build great code isn't easy. As a dyslexic I have a photographic memory and have 30 years with logic systems. I write and run most all of my code in my head and can spot the possible conflicts and dead ends without ever physically writing one line of code. This can't be taught. My code is highly intergrated because I can run countless options and methods right in my head until I have a design that takes in all factors of my games. This allows me to have radical shared resources which result in slimmer more efficient code. I can't teach something one is either born with or not. I do have my logic series where I show you the keys to logic.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Perhaps tutorial examples of using code functions. Intermediate expression examples such as Sin, Magnitude, Vectortoangle etc. It's great to see & use projects say in the spare code thread using these cool functions but I'm sure people (inc me) would love to see/hear explanations of how these or sections actually work and the mindset it. Just my 2 cents
I'm with @zzap64. I would love to see some videos with an in-depth explanation of these functions. I'm now just getting to the point where I need a lot of these.