How to make actors spawn at progressively greater rates?
In my game, I have an actor set up to be spawning new actors in random places, every couple seconds. How do I make it so the longer you play, the actors will spawn at a higher and higher rates?
Best Answer
Fajlajp Posts: 666
Creat an integer attribute. You can call it "HowManySeconds" and set it to 10,for example.
Then put a timer in an actor that says:
Timer, every (hit the little "e") and put in game.HowManySeconds
-Spawn actor: (Whatever)
And put in the Y and X cordinates
Then create a new actor and put in this rule.
Timer: Every 10 seconds (or whatever)
Change attribute: game.HowManySeconds-1 (or whatever)
So basiclly what we have done is that every 10 second we have changed the spawn rate by 1 second. So it get progressivly harder by geting progressivly highest spawn rate.