Some actors will collide, while some don't? How come?
In my game I have actors spawning at random locations at the top of the scene, and falling to the bottom. Once they reach the bottom, they are set up to collide with the "floor" actor and to be destroyed, but while some get destroyed, others just fall right through my "floor" without colliding or getting destroyed. I am not sure why. help?
Best Answer
UtopianGames Posts: 5,692
Is the floor actor set to none movable? Sounds like they're hitting the floor causing it to move?
You could also use code instead of the floor actor if self position y < 0 destroy.
I think it has to do with the moving Actors moving at such a fast pace the Rule doesn't have enough time to finish checking the conditions (but not all the time, because most of them do get destroyed, right?).
A form of remedy for me would be making sure Actors involved have as few Rules in them as possible. Also try Darren's suggestion about checking the Attributes instead of checking for Collide or Overlap -- that's what I do too when I can't trim down the Rules any more.