can we import the 3d design and open in gamesald without having to pay for the licence (saw it in a youtube video)?! that comment was made 7 months ago. has that changed?
Hi falalou, I guess there must be some confusion here. Unity is an entirely separate game engine (, it's a 3D game engine where Gamesalad is a 2D engine. You can't import or use anything from Unity in Gamesalad.
However if you wanted to use pre-rendered 3D graphics in a Gamesalad project you can do that. Once the 3D images are pre-rendered they are really 2D images that just look 3D. To create pre-rendered 3D art for use in Gamesalad you would use a program like Cinema 4D, Cheetah3d or a host of other options.
However if you wanted to use pre-rendered 3D graphics in a Gamesalad project you can do that. Once the 3D images are pre-rendered they are really 2D images that just look 3D. To create pre-rendered 3D art for use in Gamesalad you would use a program like Cinema 4D, Cheetah3d or a host of other options. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page