How to make the camera track a character starting from the left side of the screen?
Hi, I'm new to gamesalad. I've been trying to make the camera track my character but the only way I could do it is only when the character moves to the middle of the screen (the tracking area). How can I move the tracking area itself to the left end of the screen so the camera starts tracking the character as soon as the scene starts without waiting for it to reach the middle?
All you need to do is constrain the camera to the actors x minus or plus the offset.
Hey boodo.
Did you manage figure out how to solve this issue? Please let me know how you did it if you figured out a solution.
I think you can use interpolation, use an invisble actor with the rule after 0 or 1 second interpolate to: if you,re scene is for example 10000 x 768 y, interpolate to 9250 for example i,m not very sure.
So after 1 second interpolate to sef.positiox 9250, the actor of the camera must be invisble, and also you should put an invisble wall