More help needed

Hi there,
I have completed my app for my little grandson. I have downloaded it to my Mac but am unable to open it because it says it's from an 'unknown developer' and I can only use Apple apps. I am an Apple developer and need to get my app uploaded but I can't do that because I can't open it. Can anyone help?
Please :-)


  • auntieginzyauntieginzy Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2013
    and now the iTunes connect tells me it can't find the Info.plst ???? Plus loads of other stuff :-(
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I don't know about the info.plst but you can probably open your app by clicking on it with the right mouse button (or a left click and control key) and there choose open.
    Only apps downloaded from the app store can be opened by double clicking nowadays.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    You wont be able to open what you get back from GameSalad. It should have a circle with a slash over it indicating that It's not able to be read. You have to compress it into a zip, and that is what you submit to Apple.
  • ericzingelerericzingeler Member Posts: 334

    1. For the device you're trying to put the app on, have you added it to the developer account?

    2. Have you created a developer provisioning profile for the app that includes the device?
  • auntieginzyauntieginzy Member Posts: 50
    SlickZero I tried submitting the zip file but it said it needed to be .app when it's unzipped? Maybe I should download it again from GS?
    ericzingeler - yes I've done both those things I think.
    I'll try downloading it from GS again and see what happens and let you know
  • auntieginzyauntieginzy Member Posts: 50
    OK downloaded it again and this is the error message from apple:
    the application wrapper must end in .app then the full location of the download and then .gameproj is invalid.
    The way I downloaded the app was to click on download project in my portfolio. Was that wrong?
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I see my comment didn't make sense because I misunderstood the question.
    Let me try to answer this one.
    Downloading your project from your portfolio is incorrect. Have you tried the publish button when your project is open in GameSalad. That sends the file to GS and there you can see the different platforms on the left.
  • auntieginzyauntieginzy Member Posts: 50
    OK, I have published my app to GS. I have generated the app for the ipad and I have signed the app. The app is now in my portfolio but clearly I need to download it to the desktop of my Mac so I can send it to apple. How do I do that (sorry to be so dumb!)
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    When you are done signing your app it Will downloads it self to your chosen location.

    Have created a new app in iTunes Connect?
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    There are plenty of publishing tutorials.
    Just search Google - "gamesalad publishing"
  • auntieginzyauntieginzy Member Posts: 50
    I'VE DONE IT!!! Goodness me. It was something to do with the provisioning profile so had to edit those and now it's safely delivered to Apple. Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions :-)
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