★★★ Waypoints with tables tutorial? ★★★
Made a cool waypoint system tonight for our new Spy Mouse Template (coming soon), needed a quick and easy way for the end user to make an enemy path that can be repeated or reversed.
All you do is place the waypoint actor in the scene or copy it (as many as you like) and the code takes care of the rest, pretty simple using tables but wondered if anyone would find it useful because i might do a tutorial on this section of the template.

All you do is place the waypoint actor in the scene or copy it (as many as you like) and the code takes care of the rest, pretty simple using tables but wondered if anyone would find it useful because i might do a tutorial on this section of the template.

My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
- Thomas
Great stuff ! Definitely useful for a whole bunch of game related things.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Sneaky Peak below.
If i get time today i want to do a couple of tutorials like an XP/Level Up meter that takes more filling the higher the level along with waypoints with tables.
@Doguz Yes its free with the DBA RC Pro.
And have the cheeses count themselve?
Liking it a lot btw
Lump Apps and My Assets
Could have the cheese count themselves but i have found in the past GS misses now and again under certain circumstances so hard coding was better for this one i felt.
Yes, I noticed GS sometimes misses a count. Good solution!
Lump Apps and My Assets
A (simple version) waypoints with table tutorial coming soon.
Thanks for the support over at DBA.