I would recommend watching some videos and downloading some templates because I'm pretty sure no one is going to make a game for you or spend time for free teaching unless your paying.
Try our site deepblueapps.com and gshelper.com and download some free templates to help you learn by reading the notes and taking them apart.
Take baby steps at 1st and make a very simple game then as you get better make more complex games.
If you get stuck on a particular area ask and someone will probably help.
Yeah I agree with @DeepBlueApps, finding someone who is willing to be your on demand mentor is going to be tricky, but you don't need it - that's what this forum is all about. You'll get the best response by trying things for yourself first, and posting detailed questions on this forum when issues arise. That way you'll have loads of mentors able to help you out. Good luck.
you're best bet is to dive right in with sample tutorials, videos, free templates and then just post on the forum when you have questions. There are a lot of people who offer paid one on one help as well.
I would recommend watching some videos and downloading some templates because I'm pretty sure no one is going to make a game for you or spend time for free teaching unless your paying.
Try our site deepblueapps.com and gshelper.com and download some free templates to help you learn by reading the notes and taking them apart.
Take baby steps at 1st and make a very simple game then as you get better make more complex games.
If you get stuck on a particular area ask and someone will probably help.
Also please try not to make multiple threads
Edit: didn't see you posted before me
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you're best bet is to dive right in with sample tutorials, videos, free templates and then just post on the forum when you have questions. There are a lot of people who offer paid one on one help as well.
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