Video Marketing Training
Hi Guys
I see a few people have asked about video marketing recently so I thought I'd chime in with some advice. I run a marketing company and a large part of our content marketing is to do with video. I can tell you now it is no where near as expensive or hard as some people on these forums think.
All of our interns and account execs who deal with video go through Andy Jenkins video boss training inhouse which we have used for a few years now. I know the guy and his training is second to none. He is about to release a new set of training videos about video marketing which have now been updated.
All the pre release training videos are here and all you need to do to see them is sign up with your email address. If you hate being emailed about future stuff simply use a throw away email address like a gmail one (thats what I do all the time)
You can see the Video Marketing Training Videos here. The course would be paid obviously but the pre launch vids are great and you can learn alot from them too. Its amazing what can be achieved simply with an iphone.
I hope this is helpful to some of you on here who do not work full time within marketing. You all show creativeness with your games dev stuff so I'd imagine with a little knowledge in the right direction you could do the same with your video marketing efforts too. Hopefully this might boost a few peoples downloads and lead to more people going full time as game devs
I see a few people have asked about video marketing recently so I thought I'd chime in with some advice. I run a marketing company and a large part of our content marketing is to do with video. I can tell you now it is no where near as expensive or hard as some people on these forums think.
All of our interns and account execs who deal with video go through Andy Jenkins video boss training inhouse which we have used for a few years now. I know the guy and his training is second to none. He is about to release a new set of training videos about video marketing which have now been updated.
All the pre release training videos are here and all you need to do to see them is sign up with your email address. If you hate being emailed about future stuff simply use a throw away email address like a gmail one (thats what I do all the time)
You can see the Video Marketing Training Videos here. The course would be paid obviously but the pre launch vids are great and you can learn alot from them too. Its amazing what can be achieved simply with an iphone.
I hope this is helpful to some of you on here who do not work full time within marketing. You all show creativeness with your games dev stuff so I'd imagine with a little knowledge in the right direction you could do the same with your video marketing efforts too. Hopefully this might boost a few peoples downloads and lead to more people going full time as game devs

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