[Please Help] How to stop drops in Frame Rate?
So I have a game that has been on the market a while. It is extremely heavy on logic and needs to be. I have gone through the Optimization guides and taken care of what I can. Now I'm trying to figure out work arounds to deal with the drastic drops in frame rates when switching scenes.
Originally I had all in game menus as separate scenes and brought them on through the pause behavior. With this original set up I would see a drop to about 5-6 FPS from near 60 when switching from the Main Menu to in Game. Then when I opened up any of the menus it would drop again to about the same 5-6FPS sometimes close to 8. The issues is some devices were getting crashes at these parts. So I decided to try and switch all the menus into the main game. I put all the logic from the actors on the menus into the actors on the HUD of the game. As you would expect, now there isn't much of a frame rate drop when switching into the menus. The problem is when loading in from the Main Menu it now drops to about 2-3FPS. I can assume that may cause even more crashes on devices.
So next I tried taking all of the HUD actors and deleted them off being on the screen initially. I built a rule in one of the actors on the game to cause extra load screen once the Game scene loads in to take about 2 seconds and spawn each HUD actor individually on the screen. Problem is I'm still seeing the 2-3 FPS. Are all the spawn actors loaded in to memory when the Game scene is opened even though they are set to start spawning after certain times? Does anyone have any suggestions to get this working properly? It would really suck to have spent the last week re-building the menus in the Game scene to find out regardless it is screwed.
Oh please GS hurry up with the LUA free engine. I thought that sucker was expected to be in Pro developers testing hands by now.
Originally I had all in game menus as separate scenes and brought them on through the pause behavior. With this original set up I would see a drop to about 5-6 FPS from near 60 when switching from the Main Menu to in Game. Then when I opened up any of the menus it would drop again to about the same 5-6FPS sometimes close to 8. The issues is some devices were getting crashes at these parts. So I decided to try and switch all the menus into the main game. I put all the logic from the actors on the menus into the actors on the HUD of the game. As you would expect, now there isn't much of a frame rate drop when switching into the menus. The problem is when loading in from the Main Menu it now drops to about 2-3FPS. I can assume that may cause even more crashes on devices.
So next I tried taking all of the HUD actors and deleted them off being on the screen initially. I built a rule in one of the actors on the game to cause extra load screen once the Game scene loads in to take about 2 seconds and spawn each HUD actor individually on the screen. Problem is I'm still seeing the 2-3 FPS. Are all the spawn actors loaded in to memory when the Game scene is opened even though they are set to start spawning after certain times? Does anyone have any suggestions to get this working properly? It would really suck to have spent the last week re-building the menus in the Game scene to find out regardless it is screwed.
Oh please GS hurry up with the LUA free engine. I thought that sucker was expected to be in Pro developers testing hands by now.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Make a non-scrollable layer for the menu, and have all the actors there- as in no spawning. Then change the color.alpha of all the menu actors to 0. When you need to go to the menu, change the alpha.color to 1 and set a rule saying that the button should only work if alpha.color is 1. For added effect on the pause menu, have one black actor that covers the screen and change its alpha to 0.7 for a dim effect. For the main menu, instead of the dim effect, change the image of that actor to your main menu's background.
If this isn't clear, let me know and I'll try to explain better/make a demo.
Hope this helps