Universal Binaries Can this be done.?
I have looked at and tried many ideas and demos. I still can not find one that works. It maybe me. I may have missed some check mark or use a - instead of a +. I dont know but here is my questions.
I think there shouldnt be 15 ways to do it. There must be 1 way that works for all games. and types.
Initial Scene.-- This scene would be the first thing that loads. The only thing on this scene is a invisible actor. Within this actor are the rules that asks "What device am I on currently? after 2 secs based on the Devicechecker attribute change it will go to a specific scene the developer will determine later.
Here it would have a rule for every possible iOS device and oreintation.
Rule: If Ipad landscape
Rule:If Ipad Portrait
Rule:If Iphone 4/s Landscape
Rule:If iphone 4/s Portrait
Rule:If iphone 5 landscape
Rule:If iphone 5 Portrait.
Inside each rule are the needed attribute changes. Plus a Attribute change rule for a "real" attribute called Devicechecker.
Devicechecker attribute:
if its a Ipad its changed to 1 or 2 pending on orientation
if its iphone 4 its changed to 3 or 4 pending on orientation
if its iphone 5 its changed to 5 or 6 pending on oreintation.
This is the way i wish to use Univerasl Binaries.
All my scenes/actors/background images etc etc will be commanded based on the Devicechecker number.
I will pay 50$ to the person who will create me a default demo that does this.
I think there shouldnt be 15 ways to do it. There must be 1 way that works for all games. and types.
Initial Scene.-- This scene would be the first thing that loads. The only thing on this scene is a invisible actor. Within this actor are the rules that asks "What device am I on currently? after 2 secs based on the Devicechecker attribute change it will go to a specific scene the developer will determine later.
Here it would have a rule for every possible iOS device and oreintation.
Rule: If Ipad landscape
Rule:If Ipad Portrait
Rule:If Iphone 4/s Landscape
Rule:If iphone 4/s Portrait
Rule:If iphone 5 landscape
Rule:If iphone 5 Portrait.
Inside each rule are the needed attribute changes. Plus a Attribute change rule for a "real" attribute called Devicechecker.
Devicechecker attribute:
if its a Ipad its changed to 1 or 2 pending on orientation
if its iphone 4 its changed to 3 or 4 pending on orientation
if its iphone 5 its changed to 5 or 6 pending on oreintation.
This is the way i wish to use Univerasl Binaries.
All my scenes/actors/background images etc etc will be commanded based on the Devicechecker number.
I will pay 50$ to the person who will create me a default demo that does this.
The way you're talking about is not necessary. You could just have one rule in each scene that tell everything what to do. You say you don't want stretching -- then just have every actor (excluding the BG) move/change size based on the screen size.
Something like this:
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