You can use any font you like within your game, so long as it's either free for commercial use, or you've bought the license to it, etc. What those guys are saying is that right now Gamesalad doesn't have the ability to use any fonts that aren't already built in to it. The only real method is the one that @sawkastee posted.
However you could easily use any font you like for static text by just including it within the graphics of your game. Hope that helps.
Nightly builds are builds for pro users that fix bugs and add new features for testing before a stable release. You cannot use ANY custom font unless you do it in the method as stated above (even If you make your own)
@bjandthekatz woah wait. So even if i make my own, i cant use them why? that passes the copyright issue. So whats the next issue? i just load them into game salad as a picture.
GameSalad has no way to implement them unless you use the method above. If you want to use any font as a button or the method above you can do that easily. Just make sure they are commercial fonts or free.
I thought you meant you wanted to make a custom font to implement it like a built in font.
@bjandthekatz oh haha. you scared me for a second there. im still a big newb at this so what they showed in that method was very complex for me. but thank you for clearing things up.
so thats a no to using adobes fonts???
However you could easily use any font you like for static text by just including it within the graphics of your game. Hope that helps.
The Guru
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You cannot use ANY custom font unless you do it in the method as stated above (even If you make your own)
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If you want to use any font as a button or the method above you can do that easily. Just make sure they are commercial fonts or free.
I thought you meant you wanted to make a custom font to implement it like a built in font.
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