Sniper application

Hi, I recently purchased a sniper scope, I'm going to use this for and iPhone application and was wondering how I would make it so when the centre of the scope goes over the head of the target and a square box on the screen is pressed it kills the target.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited July 2013
    Hi Jack,

    I have noticed a few questions regarding this sniper game your working on so i presume your pretty new to GameSalad.

    As someone has pointed out before we have a sniper template over at DBA that has everything you will need but that aside read below.

    You will have other problems like zooming in on the target, moving around with touch, head shots and body shots, it will be too easy to kill the enemies (you will see what i mean when you get further in development), scrolling around a larger scene, HUD when zooming and many more.

    I can foresee so many problems for you that will frustrate you and because your new i would recommend making a simple game to start with and put this one on the back burner while you learn.

    Download some of our free templates over at DBA and take them apart to get a grip of GS and how it works.

    Best of luck but if your expecting people here to guide you through a complete game from start to finish answering all the questions along the way it will take a while and that time is better off spent learning.


  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    edited July 2013
    yeah - make something simple to start with. as darren says, there are many aspects to concider when making a game like this
  • Hi, I recently purchased a sniper scope, I'm going to use this for and iPhone application and was wondering how I would make it so when the centre of the scope goes over the head of the target and a square box on the screen is pressed it kills the target. Also please just tell me how to do it, please don't say start of with a small app.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    I would usually say something pithy here but why bother.

    The self proclaimed guru
  • BoomshackBarryBoomshackBarry Member Posts: 712
    edited July 2013
    Why are you posting this again? @DeepBlueApps and @Wingmanapps already gave you some good advice in your other thread about this an hour ago. Perhaps thank them for their assistance in that thread and keep it going, rather than ignoring it and starting another identical thread disregarding thier help.

    I know you're new here but that's not the best way to behave if you expect people to help you out.

    Edit: beaten to it by the guru, who perhaps said it better than me by using his silence :)
  • Yes Boomshack, I'm aware of what DeepBlue Apps said, isn't it obvious that I'm still confused this is why I posted it again
  • BoomshackBarryBoomshackBarry Member Posts: 712
    edited July 2013
    But there's no need to start a new identical thread, you can just keep that same conversation running. Just seems a bit rude towards Darren especially to ignore his lengthy advice like that and pretend like he never even posted it - it's not difficult to thank him for taking the time, even if it doesn't answer your question fully.

    Politeness goes a long way. Just my opinion though...
  • Thank you for the advice Darren and Wingman apps
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    The first problem I see here is that you give no real information about your starting point. Saying you baught a sniper template leaves us with little information and no chance to help you.

    There many ways to achieve what you want.
    You could measure the magnitude of the scope against your target.
    You could contrain a very small actor in the middle or the scope and when it overlaps with your target enable your "square box" to kill.

    If what I wrote dont make any sense, then I can only refer you back to the other thread you made with the advice some @deepblueapps
  • Wingmanapps, Thankyou for replying, I have made a small actor and put it in the centre of the scope, How would I make this stay in the middle of the scope even when I drag the scope around, I know I click on change attribute-> Attribute -> Actor.
    Then what do I do excactly.
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    You will need some reference points

    Create 2 new global real attributes called X and Y

    then you constrain attributes X,Y to the sniperscopes self.position.X.Y
    On your small actor, you contrain self.position.X,Y to the two global attributes X,Y

    This will make the "small actor follow the sniperscope assuming you have set up the dragrules for the scope :(
  • PaxPaxPaxPax Member Posts: 106
    This should help.

  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Third? Fourth? Fifth? post on the exact same topic. This is feeling very trolish. At what point is a user who refuses to, or can't take advice, blocked?
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    In most cases persistence is a virtue but not in matters like this.

    The Guru
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