Free or paid apps?
Hi everyone!
I am about to buy the pro version of GameSalad and started thinking. What type of game makes more money FREE or PAID?
I am just curious because I have heard free games make more money than Paid games, but how is this possible.
I am about to buy the pro version of GameSalad and started thinking. What type of game makes more money FREE or PAID?
I am just curious because I have heard free games make more money than Paid games, but how is this possible.
But it's definitely true that free games can do better than a paid game. The idea is that it can be tricky at first to persuade people to pay for your game upfront, because it can be a gamble for them whether they'll like it or not, and there are so many other free alternatives out there, why should they pay upfront?
On the flip side, generally a lot more people will download a free game as there is no gamble in that. Once you've got this larger audience you can try and monetize them with in game adverts, and trying to convince them to pay for an in app purchase.
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Good luck whichever route you take!