IS this possible?
so there is kinf of a bug in my game
my actor moves from left to right and i made it so it could move to three different positions.
left Middle and right.
i made it so when left side is clicked move one position over and vise a versa for the right side.
but if i click fast enough on the left side my actor will fly off screen.
is there a way to constrant actor with in two coordinates
Eg Min10 max200?
this bug is really bothering me can any body help with any other ideas of how to stop this bug?

my actor moves from left to right and i made it so it could move to three different positions.
left Middle and right.
i made it so when left side is clicked move one position over and vise a versa for the right side.
but if i click fast enough on the left side my actor will fly off screen.
is there a way to constrant actor with in two coordinates
Eg Min10 max200?
this bug is really bothering me can any body help with any other ideas of how to stop this bug?
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well i know my method of moving is probably not right but i put two buttons one on the left one on the side.
the left button -1 from a game attribute. while the righht button +1
my character was only THREE positions it can move to. left middle and right. (they have there own posistion. Eg Left is 80, middle is 100, and right is 200)
so i did when game.Attribute =-1 move(to left position)
when game.attibute=0 (move to middle position)
and when game.attribute =1 move to right position.
i made a rule also that is goes bellow -1 change back to -1 and if it goes above 1 change back to 1.
i know this is unpractical but i didnt know how else to move a character so it only moves to those 3 differenet positions on a screen and not be able to move where it wants.
ps sorry if i didnt explain it right i tried my best ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
it works great now and doesn't glitch at alllll!!!! thank you so much ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
that had me stumped for weeks if he was in front of me i would of done things to him i swore i would never do ^.^ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
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@Braydon_SFX needs to create a badge ASAP