Game Lags EXTREMELY in a certain area
My game is an infinite runner and in the main scene after the distance counter reaches about 500, the game lags to the point where it is unplayable. However the character eventually collides with an obstacle and sometimes plays the death animation and sometimes doesn't, then it goes to the game over screen and everything is fine. When the game is played again it works fine up until the 500 mark again. Please if anyone has any idea as to what the problem might be I would really appreciate it. I don't know what is causing it so I don't know where I have to look to fix it. Please help. Thank you in advance.
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In all of our runner templates I recycle, even the jet pack is recycled as the hero gets put back to the start of the scene so maybe you should try the recycle method.
And the counter is going up fairly quickly.
EDIT: It takes about 30 seconds to reach 500