I found something amazing!
I sure most GS users already know this but I just found it out.
I have been working on a game for over a month on the PC version of GS and finally got to a point where it was testable on an Iphone, so I did so and guess what??? It doesn't work.
I also tried it on the Mac version of GS that I uploaded from and it doesn't work.
I figured that I must have switched up code on the PC versions before I exported so I went back to the PC and tested and it works fine.
So what I learned is that the PC version and Mac versions don't use the same style of coding logic and I have wasted a bunch of time.
I have been working on a game for over a month on the PC version of GS and finally got to a point where it was testable on an Iphone, so I did so and guess what??? It doesn't work.
I also tried it on the Mac version of GS that I uploaded from and it doesn't work.
I figured that I must have switched up code on the PC versions before I exported so I went back to the PC and tested and it works fine.
So what I learned is that the PC version and Mac versions don't use the same style of coding logic and I have wasted a bunch of time.
On a serious note Whats not working? cause I have used the PC and mac versions interchangeably and published games that worked fine. My biggest issue has always been getting something to upload and publish right from the PC version. but one I get over that hump the project still works.
@thegabfather I probably fell into your 5%. But that space thing is interesting.... Do explain more. Currently one of the issues is concatenating table values to display like so... displaytext(tablevalue(table1,1,2)+tablevalue(table1,1,3)+tablevalue(table1,1,3))
just an example but i use the + to concatenate, is that wrong for mac?
is there some where i can find other things that don't switch to mac?
@tenrdrmer I could explain whats not working but it doesn't explain how I coded it so finding the issue would be impossible.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@tenrdrmer I just meant impossible for you to help find the issue without me giving you the code and only an explanation of what the code does.
But maybe you guys can help. I am making a tetris style game. (only one square so i dont have to worry about pieces breaking when lines clear)
the main issue when moving over to mac is that i currently use a actor called "underblock" to move to the right 40 pixels and check if its colliding with any actors
if colliding to move back if false to have the real actor move to its location.
this is how i test if it can move left or right.
it works just fine on pc but when i move it to mac and click the right button the underblock will move right 40 pixels and then just go back like it collided with another actor even if there inst one to collide with
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I've never used +'s for concatenation in Windows Creator. In C# or other similar programming languages the + should work, but GS' way of concatenation strictly follows how LUA does it (ie ..).
Anyway switch to two dots now because both versions of Creator recognises it as valid.