Battle-Cattle for iOS/Android, Kickstarter!
Hello everyone,
Some of you know me from the forums. I've been working on and off again on a project called Battle-Cattle and I think now is the time let everyone see what I've been slaving away on!

Battle-Cattle is a new take on the launcher style of games popularized by Angry Birds. It mixes elements of launchers and castle defense to create a Launcher-Defense style of game. Players take the role of farmer Jim and must protect their farms from then alien invaders. To do this, they launch cattle at their enemies. These are radioactive cattle dipped in poison or strapped with dynamite and can be upgraded as the game progresses.
An early mock-up of game art
I started this project about a year ago and hired an amazing freelance artist to help me develop the game. We are almost there but we could use a bit of help to finish the project. Unfortunately he can't work for free and I've taken on other work to pay the bills, which leaves me with little time to finish the game. We are hoping to drum up a tiny bit of support from the community so we can take on less work and finish the game!
We've actually just launched a kickstarter project that goes into a lot more detail about the project and what we hope to achieve. You can view it [Here]
Theres also a youtube link there that goes into a lot more detail about the gameplay features.
We are also giving out some really unique rewards for supporting our project such as;
If you can't back our project but still want to help support gamesalad developers you could tweet about our project, post it on your facebook or blog about it! You would have our undying thanks for helping to make this possible.
Thanks for checking out our game.
Happy Gamesalading everyone!
Some of you know me from the forums. I've been working on and off again on a project called Battle-Cattle and I think now is the time let everyone see what I've been slaving away on!

Battle-Cattle is a new take on the launcher style of games popularized by Angry Birds. It mixes elements of launchers and castle defense to create a Launcher-Defense style of game. Players take the role of farmer Jim and must protect their farms from then alien invaders. To do this, they launch cattle at their enemies. These are radioactive cattle dipped in poison or strapped with dynamite and can be upgraded as the game progresses.

I started this project about a year ago and hired an amazing freelance artist to help me develop the game. We are almost there but we could use a bit of help to finish the project. Unfortunately he can't work for free and I've taken on other work to pay the bills, which leaves me with little time to finish the game. We are hoping to drum up a tiny bit of support from the community so we can take on less work and finish the game!
We've actually just launched a kickstarter project that goes into a lot more detail about the project and what we hope to achieve. You can view it [Here]
Theres also a youtube link there that goes into a lot more detail about the gameplay features.
We are also giving out some really unique rewards for supporting our project such as;
- Special thanks in the credits
- Exclusive mugs with game art
- Designing your own Enemy character!
- Designing your own Boss character!
- Designing your own Bonus level!
- A caricature of yourself in our game as a story character!
- Advertising your game in our game!
- And more!
If you can't back our project but still want to help support gamesalad developers you could tweet about our project, post it on your facebook or blog about it! You would have our undying thanks for helping to make this possible.
Thanks for checking out our game.
Happy Gamesalading everyone!
Sounds and looks reall cool. I wish you all the best with the kick starter campaign
Sorry, that might be a windows friendly font.
Changed it to a web-safe font.
i know what you mean. The problem is the narrow audience (not everyones likes mobile games) and the lack of rewards. As much as we like to think people back projects for altruistic reasons, its more likely that people back certain projects for the rewards. So we can think of kickstarter as a sort of pre-sale system. Theres not much you can give away with mobile games, thats why we tried to make our project unique and let them take part in the creation process with us. We are going to let people give us their ideas, sketches or concepts and we will turn them into their very own enemy character or boss, etc. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
We are really happy with how its turned out so far. I've put a lot of work into this system. I've created a whole system that interprets CSV files as levels. So i can essentially plan and create a level in Excel and then use that in the game. These CSV files contain data for the time an enemy spawns, what enemy, where that enemy spawns, a selection of choices to choose where it spawns and where its going, etc.
So all though the levels are planned out, the enemies can be as static or as random as i want them to be. Each time you play a level it will be a little bit different than the last.
The upgrade system is quite extensive as well. Using tables it keeps track of your upgrades so that when you hit an enemy it will deal the correct damage, the explosion will be the right size, it will slow or poison the enemy the right amount, etc etc.
Even more, the bonus system is pretty in depth as well. They will increase your ammo explosion size, speed, the amount of skill points you generate, the damage you do, etc for a given amount of time. All of which can be modified on a per level basis.
And even more, the enemy stat system is very deep. The enemies have a range of stats that can and are modified on the fly. All of these stats are based on the level you are playing and the enemies current status (slowed, poisoned, etc). So on one level this alien may have 5hp and on this level he has 7hp. All of which is done through csvs and tables. All of the enemies in the game are governed this way.
It was a lot of work to set up this system, but the benefit is, i could change all the art and after modifying all the CSV files, release a sequel, or a completely new game. And also do it in a fraction of the time. So if this game does well and people like it, I will be releasing more levels and sequels in the future.
Kickstarter is a tough path for mobile game creators, unless you are working on something social or multiplayer.
Getting lots of feedback though. That will help for the next time around.
Almost ready to start giving out demos of our game!