Merging scenes

is there a way to make the scenes go from one scene to the next without looking like your flipping quickly through pictures. like a slide show. i would like it to maybe fade out and fade in. thank you for any help.


  • GOG_GamesGOG_Games Member Posts: 130
    You could make a black actor and have it cover the whole screen. For fading in, just put in a timer that says:

    Every 0.1 seconds, change attribute Self.Color.Alpha to Self.Color.Alpha - 0.1

    Then, for fading out, have an attribute or timer that tells when to fade out, then play the rule above backwards, like so:

    Every 0.1 seconds, change attribute Self.Color.Alpha to Self.Color.Alpha + 0.1
  • VolontaArtsVolontaArts Member Posts: 510
    awesome. thanks. does the more scenes lead to slower game?
  • VolontaArtsVolontaArts Member Posts: 510
  • GOG_GamesGOG_Games Member Posts: 130
    Not really. It depends on how many actors and objects you have in your scene, and how complicated they are. So no, it's nothing really to worry about.
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