How to get an actor to orbit around another actor while one actor is moving?
So i have one red actor that rotates and when i click the mouse the white actor begins to orbit the red actor. I am trying to get the red actor to go from the top of the screen to the bottom and when i click on the mouse it orbits around the red actor. But instead of orbiting the actual location of the red actor it orbits the original location of the red actor. How can i get the white actor to follow and orbit the red actor when i click? Thank You in advance =}
Templates: 2048 • Pinch Zoom • Easy Universal Build • Fruit Ninja Blade Effect • 4 Pics 1 Word • Offline Timer
Constrain Y position to: AAA*cos(game.Time *BBB)+[the Y position of the 'Red' actor]
AAA = the radius of your orbit.
BBB = the speed of the orbit.