UK devs - In which territories do you sell your apps?

Right. I declare my GameSalad earnings to HMRC like a good boy and I've been told that because Apple is the agent, paying me in £Sterling, that the tax from US sales income just has to be paid to HMRC and nothing more. So I do that. I'm a sole developer so don't need an EIN number or have to fill out the W8-BEN (took ages to get that confirmed). Simple enough. So here's my question: Is there any reason why I should not check every single territory and sell my app worldwide? If, say, I sold in Japan, would I ever need to pay any Japanese taxes, for example?

Which countries do you guys sell in from the UK?



  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    All of them!

    I've not had a problem with tax from other countries - the way I'm set up though is as a limited company - so I'm not sure if there are differences at all!

    QS =D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • CatGoneCrazyCatGoneCrazy Member, PRO Posts: 90
    Oh really? That sounds right to me... I just wish someone would say 'yes, go for it - it's all fine'. I know that's basically what you just did, but you know what I mean :) Cheers for your reply. I'm guessing there's a lot more money to be made that way!
  • CatGoneCrazyCatGoneCrazy Member, PRO Posts: 90
    I just get worried... posts like this seem to suggest Apple pays tax to some countries but not others. About half and half, it seems. The lists are on there, as they are in the contract you agree to. Annoyingly, UK tax advisors don't even seem to know what an iPhone App *is* when you ask them. The number of times I've been handed to a different department on the phone to HMRC! I dunno... might just stick to UK, Ireland and the US for Bulletrisk. No offence to NZ of course, which is one counry I'd particularly like to sell in, but it is on the list where Apple doesn't do anything tax-wise!

    QS has been very helpful, but if anyone at all can clarify the situation for a sole developer, I would be eternally grateful. And no doubt click on that little 'awesome' icon underneath your post ;)
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