Quick question about retina graphics.

I have made a project with resolution independence checked. My question after I have made an actor, can you see if it was scaled down or if the image came in at that pixel dimension?



  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    An actor doesn't change as an actor is an actor. If you have an actor with an image in it the image should be half it's original size just look inside the actor and click on the size disclosure triangle.
  • When I save out an image from photoshop at 64x64 and import in as an actor it becomes 32x32 which makes sense because it's saving both resolutions. But can I see if Gamesalad has done this to an image?
  • mataruamatarua Auckland, New ZealandMember Posts: 854
    With resolution independence checked it will do that with all images. You are seeing the processed image in the viewer. The retina image on the device. You just need to trust in it :) Enjoy!
  • Thanks, this is what I figured.
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