Go to your actor and create a new rule When touch is pressed Change attribute game.touchcount to game.touchcount +1 Create a new rule If game.touchcount = 3 Destroy actor
Go to your actor and create a new rule When touch is pressed Change attribute game.touchcount to game.touchcount +1 Create a new rule If game.touchcount = 3 Destroy actor
Thanks, can you display the actor as different images along the 3 touches? I.e the 1st touch causes damage, the second creates more and then the final causes a boom
Sure just make the different images and say when touchcount = 1 Change image to (whatever) If touchcount = 2 Change image to (whatever) If touchcount = 3 Animate explosion
Go to your actor and create a new rule
When touch is pressed
Change attribute game.touchcount to game.touchcount +1
Create a new rule
If game.touchcount = 3
Destroy actor
Change image to (whatever)
If touchcount = 2
Change image to (whatever)
If touchcount = 3
Animate explosion