Attack problem
Hello guys 
I need a little help with this:
i made some animations for the player like when i press return he attack and when he collide the atk with enemy
the att enemyHealth goes to -1
but when i do this all enemies dies in the scene haeuhuaehuae
i think i need something like this
when my enemy is on the distancefromplayer < 5 "pixels" or in front of the player
i will can kill him but only this enemy
i tried to make this rule but is not working
any tip for this problem?

I need a little help with this:
i made some animations for the player like when i press return he attack and when he collide the atk with enemy
the att enemyHealth goes to -1
but when i do this all enemies dies in the scene haeuhuaehuae
i think i need something like this
when my enemy is on the distancefromplayer < 5 "pixels" or in front of the player
i will can kill him but only this enemy
i tried to make this rule but is not working
any tip for this problem?

Is your enemyHealth a global (game.) attribute? Or a local (self.) attribute in the enemy actors?
Lump Apps and My Assets
hmm so i need to put a local att..
we found the first error heuheuheuhe
the game is something like zelda snes
i made the open world with monsters and plants
but i still thinking that i need some distance set for the player and enemy
i did something like this for the enemy to follow the player and atk after 0.5 seconds
is working good...
any tip for making the distance between player and enemy for successful atk @LudwigHeijden?
now is working o.O hahahahaha
now the only problem is the health of the enemy
let me explain
i did what u told me
now i have two enemies
enemy 1 and enemy 2
i made self myLife for each one
but if i kill one i still killing the another monsters
any tip?
i am like doctor house
after some time thinking
and thinking
I encounter the answer
thank you @LudwigHeijden