Actor "Overlaps or Collides" Detection Not Working

I've been using Gamesalad for about a year now, and this is the first time I've run into something like this. I have two actors: Actor1 and Actor2. When I place an "overlaps or collides" rule in either of these, no events are fired upon overlap. They simply pass through each other.

Actor1 Behaviors
Change Velocity
Change Size
Rule (When Touch is Pressed){
     Change Attribute game.Score
Rule (When Overlaps or Collides with Actor 2){
     Change Attribute game.Health

Actor2 Behaviors
Rule (When Touch is Presses){
     Set Timer (Every 0.1 seconds){
          Change Attribute Self Position X
Rule (When Attribute game.Health < 1){
     Change Scene

-I am running Gamesalad 0.10.3
-There are no other collisions yet in the entire game
-All actors are set to movable
-I am not using gravity
-There are 2 layers in the scene (I've noticed that I cannot rename any layers since I updated, so I'm wondering if this is a related bug. I've tried deleting the new layer and putting everything onto one, still no good)

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated, I'm banging my head against the wall with this one.


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