Hex based grid

pbb76pbb76 Member Posts: 12
Hi all,

I'm absolutely desperate to start making games. Its been an ambition of mine for life really, but have just never 'clicked' everything into place. I'm a web developer, so well experienced in general programming (PHP, Javascript etc) but have struggled with Obj-C and the like. After trying a few different packages to make games, GS now feels like my last chance!

Anyways, first question as I play around with what can be done... one of my ideas is based on a hex grid and is a board game. I'm sure there must be a way, but i cant figure it out - can i have a load of values in a table, then loop through them to display the board visually?

So in the table, I'd have the level reference number (for making multiple levels of layouts), the x and y of the grid piece and a numeric identifier of the piece to be displayed.

The eventual goal for this idea (not the game, using the tables) is to make an editor to create the levels with a drag/drop type interface and store all the values in a table.

So.... is this possible in GS please?

Thanks! I've got so many ideas for games and it finally feels like I can start to realise them now in GS!


  • pbb76pbb76 Member Posts: 12
    Maybe I was too specific? So in basic terms, can you use a table to layout a level?
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