Hello Everybody,
I am an illustrator/animator just starting out with Gamesalad.
Yes another Noob trying to figure stuff out
My goal is making apps for children and hopefully making them realize early that learning is hard fun and mistakes are okay and necessary. (I despised school and so it took me a long time to figure that one out). I am not sure yet how to make that happen, because games are usually about winning/loosing, but well I am working on it. The main thing about me I guess is: I love learning and asking questions. I also love music. If there are teachers/parents out there having some great ideas how I could make something they would like there kids to have, let me know. Don't know if I will be able to do it as an app but there are always other options too, and I am eager to try. Apart from that I am a freelancer and always looking for interesting work in illustration/animation. It's very nice to meet you all and read your posts.
See you around,
P.s: What I figured out in my first two days:
GameSalad is great but it's not the perfect choice for making picture book or drawing apps, that's disappointing but I hope this might be a future feature.
Yes another Noob trying to figure stuff out

My goal is making apps for children and hopefully making them realize early that learning is hard fun and mistakes are okay and necessary. (I despised school and so it took me a long time to figure that one out). I am not sure yet how to make that happen, because games are usually about winning/loosing, but well I am working on it. The main thing about me I guess is: I love learning and asking questions. I also love music. If there are teachers/parents out there having some great ideas how I could make something they would like there kids to have, let me know. Don't know if I will be able to do it as an app but there are always other options too, and I am eager to try. Apart from that I am a freelancer and always looking for interesting work in illustration/animation. It's very nice to meet you all and read your posts.
See you around,
P.s: What I figured out in my first two days:
GameSalad is great but it's not the perfect choice for making picture book or drawing apps, that's disappointing but I hope this might be a future feature.
We have a line drawing demo - not sure if you've seen it: http://gshelper.com/shop/advanced-game-functions/ink-limit-line-draw-gamesalad-video-tutorial/
And here's a picture book: http://www.deepblueapps.com/story-book-ipad-template/
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We have a huge selection of free templates and gshelper has some awesome tutorials to get you started.
✮ FREE templates at GSinvention ✮
✮ Available for hire! support@gsinvention.com ✮
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@Braydon_SFX your templates are awesome! Actually the drawing demo (yours and @Orbz) and the picture book demo were the first I played around with.The templates are such a huge help to get a head start learning what GS can do. Plus learning is so much more fun if you see something already working and have a go at switching stuff on and off to see what happens. Thanks very much!
I actually have a picture book (all pages ready) I wanted to start with, but I am not sure I should, because a lot of things seem quite difficult. I made a simple navigation work ( 20 pages) just to check things out and realized that without animation (just BG images) I am already at 11 Mb. I tried compressing the PNGs as much as I could (next time I will try doing something without gradients...). Now I am a little scared that if I add animated actors this will never work, because on top of it all the actors for this would be quite big.
You can see some sample pages over here: http://dribbble.com/krustelkram/buckets/133124-PictureBook-Work-in-Progress
One solution I see is that the picture book could work without spoken words just some BG music and sounds for the interactive animations. I think that's probably not a bad idea to get children talking about what's going on with their parents, but if it's like that it would be awesome if the kids and parents could record and save their own narration...yeah I guess I am going over board again.
(not sure that would be even possible).
Without such a feature I think people would prefer text and the "read to me" function plus the highlighting words (+play single words) that is so popular lately, but I doubt I could make all this happen, and I think the file would be huge.
Would you recommend trying anyway? Or do you have some tips for me about the animations? Right now I have some sweet animations for the main characters but they are around 12 frames long and as I said before the characters are big.
Thanks again for making such cool templates!
The animation, I think, would depend on how many pages you have total. You could go for it and test it. If the game lags, then you can always delete the animations.
Currently, there is no way for GameSalad to record audio. Maybe someday in the future.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
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Interactive Picture Book - Questions and Helpful ideas
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