Creating dual engines on an actor

Hi there

I am new to gamesald and the community. The game i have in mind would need an actor that has twin engines and would need to simulate say how a tractor moves where you do your steering by the engines.. Push the left one forwards and it goes forward and left etc.. Is there a way in game salad to simulate this kind of movement where say one actor has two engines and it realistically moves how a twin engined piece of machinery does. Just asking so i dont waste my time on this particular game if it is not possible within gamesalad.

Thanks all


  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    You will just need 2 animations one with both tracks moving in same direction for forward movement and reverse the animation for backwards movement and one with left track moving forward and right track moving backwards for right rotate and you can run that animation backwards for left rotate. now simply make buttons for each movement. also a tractor will only have one engine uses a gearbox or brake system for turning.
    This is very very easy for Gamesalad to do you might check out Gamesmold game called Puzzle Dozer think there is a free version was made with Gamesalad.
    also you could easily make the animation using free software like Pixen.
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