hey I was wondering about the gamesalad network option. So if i turn this on will my app present into other peoples apps and viceversa (via cross promotion). I just wanted to get this straight?
I don't think so. It will display games GS is advertising. Good question though as not much has been said about this. They were going to open it up to other games.
So my game won't be in here if i have this feature turned on? i read the forum about it and i thought it clearly says a cross promotion. i'm promoting people apps in my game in exchange my app is in there games?
I'm not sure to be honest never used it and haven't seen much about it on the forums. I know that last time I read discussions about it. GS only using it to promote Ice Cap games and clients games they bring in throught that brand. You'll need to contact someone at GS for full information.
in the portfolio profile Mpaula620. you can enable in the service configuration section.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
GameSalad network is an Ad network provided and managed by GS. it displays selected Gs titles on the banner. You have to apply some way or another to be displayed.
Unlike @team6labs has said you do get paid for ad revenue from it if you are a pro member. if you are a free user I believe you have to chose between displaying the play haven more games button or the GSN banner.
@tenrdrmer if you look at the icecap games website the advertise the network as on of their features of using the ice cap games service. They were going to open it up to others but it's been a while since they said anything in that regard.
Wow, how did I miss this all those months ago, GS is a game developing software, a game developer, a game publisher, an accounting service and now has its own GameSalad ad network. Crazy. So much to control and balance legends they are.
They've pretty much kept it on the downlow on the forums. I discovered the ice cap games site during their recent push for the new game they are working on. I knew about the Network when Steve posted about it back some months ago but it slipped my mind with all other exciting things since codewizards hire.
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Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Unlike @team6labs has said you do get paid for ad revenue from it if you are a pro member. if you are a free user I believe you have to chose between displaying the play haven more games button or the GSN banner.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS