Displaying Iap values and cost images in relation to players country?


Many hours of work continues into my upcoming flat design game. It's going to be Iap supported (to put it in nice words).

I am located in Australia, so I didn't think about the paying more "coins" images and made them $0.99 , $1.99 ect
Is there away to change the image of this to suit a country or even a selected amount of countries. Cause pretty sure over in London it's equal to .69
How do others work around this, or did I miss something?

Best Answer

  • Asobu_GamesAsobu_Games Posts: 261
    Accepted Answer
    Well when your players tap the IAP button it will convert to their local currency eg "Do you want to buy 500 coins for 69p?" etc. But yeah, that isn't ideal.

    I have just added Chinese and Japanese language to my most recent game (2 of my bigger markets) and I've got it set up so that if the language is set to Japanese for example, the IAP buttons will display the price in Yen, this is assuming that most people selecting Japanese will be in Japan.

    You could do the same by having some kind of 'select your country' question at the start and then have all the different IAP prices referenced in a table or something, but personally I think this is a pretty big hassle that isn't really necessary. Maybe there is a better way to do it but I'm not aware of it.


  • MillionairAppsMillionairApps Member Posts: 110
    @Asobu_Games I was hoping you we're going to answer, I have been reading your blog, so I knew you had some knowledge since your app is aimed more for Japan and China regions.

    I was hoping to polish iup the game, but without access to the country of the player and have images change according to that, I really can't see myself putting in a country select in, seems unprofessional in my opinion.

    But it's on my design board, so if I can't think of another way to do it then I guess it's the only way. Thanks
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