hey guys,
I just started a new project, a tower defense game.
but here is the problem

you can see in the video that the second tower also shoots when the enemy is inside the first tower's range...
does someone know how to fix this?
ask for codes if you need them

Edit: Only assuming you aren't using unlocked actors for this.
@fallacystudios they are both being spawned (the tower and the range)
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Im now using tables and the enemies all have their own number. enemy 1 owns row 1 in the table so row 1 is his x and y position
if enemy collides with the range then the tower his shooting and rotating attribute is set to true. he has to rotate to the enemy if the enemy is in his range. how can I do this?
you can't say rotate to position
x: TableCellValue(Table1, enemy number, 1)
y: TableCellValue(Table1, enemy number, 2)
because the enemy number is a self attribute inside the enemy...
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