Issue with scrolling background

I've been running into an issue with a menu screen that has a scrolling background. I have the background actors set up to move at different speeds based on the linear velocity X of the Camera. This is working fine, but when I click an object I want the Camera to snap to the background objects all move uniformly. I've tried using Interpolate (both X position and Linear Velocity) in addition to Accelerate Towards and Move To. Is this possible on GS or should I just stick to something simpler?
EDIT: Also, apologies: I don't know how to embed videos on here

But looking at how you explained it, it could very well be the way you have set up the parallaxing itself is causing the issue. if its tied to acceleration somehow, interpolate will not trigger it, but accelerate should.
I have a "Camera" actor and a "Drag" actor (from T-shirt booth's scrolling menu tutorial) so that the Camera is set to -Linear Velocity X of the Drag actor. All the background objects are tied to the linear velocity of the Drag Actor.
So are you saying I should just tie them to the Camera Origin? That sounds much easier