Drawing template - "Drawer ORBZAMPLE" - anyone have it?
Hey guys, i'm trying to incorporate drawing into one of my apps and hoping to learn from some templates. Anyone have the old "Drawer ORBZAMPLE" template that tshirtbooth did his "Ink Limit Draw" tutorial on? I can't find it anymore. Thanks so much
Hi, just a question. I have downloaded the ORBZAMPLE, however, how do I incorporate it into gamesalad? I can't seem to open the file from GS neither does it has any file within the downloaded folder for me to open. Do I have to paste the folder somewhere within the plugins folder or something? Thanks.
Set the .gameproj extension to the folder ( ex: folder.gameproj )
Hi @jeezzcake, my folder by default after I downloaded, it shows .gameproj extension to the folder.
I have also tried to copy a GameSalad Creator game project file into the folder in order to open the file like what I read from other posts, however, when I opened the file, I am unable to run and test the game as it shows a black page when I clicked on the play button.
Not sure if that is what you are referring to by setting the .gameproj extension to the folder. FYI I am using a windows version of GS.
Do you know of any other ways to access the file or do I have to use a MAC for this?
Thanks for your patience.
It must be a mac file. you should always post which you are on when asking a question especially windows.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hi @The_Gamesalad_Guru, so sorry for the mis-communication. Is there a windows version of the Orbz line drawer for windows that I can download to use?
I think files can be converted but it's something I don't deal with but @tenrdrmer would know.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks @The_Gamesalad_Guru,
Hi @tenrdrmer, would you be able to assist? Thanks.
I haven't messed with windows in forever. Used to as long as you saved the Mac version in the same GS version number as the current windows version you could get it to open in windows.
Unfortunately I have not even played with that conversion theory lately.
@Braydon_SFX any in site on this?
Thanks @tenrdrmer.
Hi @Braydon_SFX , my current GS version for windows is 0.10.5 which according to this website is the latest in case you are wondering.
As far as I know, the method should work. Usually you need to save it in the latest build of GameSalad then follow this video tutorial.
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