Stormy Studio gets all grown up...

StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
edited August 2013 in Miscellaneous
Afternoon World..

Random (possibly boring for everyone else except me )bit of news... Stormy Studio is now a Limited company. Registered officially with the Companies House in the Uk. So I'm graduating from a Sole Trader into a company. Woo!

I've jut finished framing the certificate and putting up on the wall, next to a new a4 Film poster for 'MOON', one of my favorite films.

It just means there are some easier (and possibly some trickier) things to do come the end of the tax year. It also means I can sort out my business account and hopefully steer me towards doing more and more with Stormy Studio.

So exciting news for me, and probably boring news for everyone else.


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