Has anyone tried to animate using a table
Member, PRO Posts: 409
I have an actor that can wear different clothing while walking and was wondering if you could use table values to pull the images dynamically instead of have an animation rule with images for every color possibility. Just looking for thoughts
but explain what you want exactly because im not to sure what you mean.
"character_walk_clothing_"..game.Colour Clothing."_frame_"..self.Frame No..".png"
I'm guessing you'll still be creating images for every colour possibility?!
The player can change the color of the shirt.
If the character was a still image I could use a table and change its self.image using a change attribute rule and the characters shirt color would change . That's is also real simple.
The catch is I want to animate the character and want to avoid having to use a bunhc of animate rules with each color possibility. I could use a rule that if color = red , then animate , but I would have to do it for each color.
Te real question is Can I put a table expression into an animation rule.
You could make the shirt white and then add a color tint. That way you don't have to have a whole bunch of images for each color which can really bring up your file size if you are having lots of customizable options. Here is a good blog post I was reading just yesterday from the guy that did the art for Rogue Legacy. He did all the body/armor parts separate for this purpose.