How to randomly alternate an actor´s position between three predefined spots on the Y axis?

I´m trying to create a game pattern in which the actor randomly appears on one of three possible positions every five seconds...any suggestions. Thanks a lot.

Best Answers

  • BenMakesGamesBenMakesGames Posts: 85
    Accepted Answer
    Just to Clarify, Are you spawning an actor at one of 3 possible positions or are you moving an actor to one of 3 random positions?

    The process I would use would be similar for both.

    **Part 1**
    You would need to create an "real" attribute. Eg .Call it Actor_Y_Location.

    This attribute would have a number between 1-3

    **Part 2**
    Now, lets say your actor is spawning.

    Your actor would need a few "if statements". It would be as follows

    If "Actor_Y_Location" is equal to 1;

    Change Actor.Location.Y to 50

    If "Actor_Y_Location" is equal to 2;

    Change Actor.Location.Y to 100

    If "Actor_Y_Location" is equal to 3;

    Change Actor.Location.Y to 200

    Now, add a "change attribute" into the actor so every time the actor is spawned the Actor_Y_Location will change

    Eg. Change Attribute "Actor_Y_Location" to Random(1,3)

    Then add a timer that says "after 5 seconds" spawn "actor".

    The GSTimer example is probably best for maintaining performance.

    Hope this Helps.
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Posts: 633
    Accepted Answer
    @applucinate Then you can use Interpolate instead of Change Attribute to make it scroll.


  • applucinateapplucinate Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2013
    Hi Ben, thanks a lot for your insights and ideas. I´m intending to use this actor as an scrolling obstacle to be avoid by the main character.
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