GameSalad Website
I have been using Gamesalad for over a year now. Pro for nearly a year too. One thing that I looked at early on was the Stories section of the website. It's good to see stories there of success - renowned success - and I understand that.
So - my thoughts are that while this section is great for pushing games that have reached No. 1 - or got an award - the area is very stagnant - it has not changed in over a year. Maybe things have changed and the mark of success also needs to be altered.
The GameSalad Arcade is also looking static with not many changes going on there.
So I do propose some changes to your marketing strategy. The benefits would be twofold.
One, please update the stories with some new wins.
Second, please create a channel for the Game of the Month to be a major feature on the website. "Games of the Month" for example.
It is twofold because it raises the status of the GOTM, great inspiration for us users, and also promotes the best titles coming out of GameSalad.
This could be part of your new Channel you are building - I am not sure - but I do think your website needs some serious attention. Not only for your own benefit inside Gamesalad with an up to date marketing stream. But it also helps us users have goals to aim for.
Just some thought that have been straying around in my head for a while.
Regards, M@
So - my thoughts are that while this section is great for pushing games that have reached No. 1 - or got an award - the area is very stagnant - it has not changed in over a year. Maybe things have changed and the mark of success also needs to be altered.
The GameSalad Arcade is also looking static with not many changes going on there.
So I do propose some changes to your marketing strategy. The benefits would be twofold.
One, please update the stories with some new wins.
Second, please create a channel for the Game of the Month to be a major feature on the website. "Games of the Month" for example.
It is twofold because it raises the status of the GOTM, great inspiration for us users, and also promotes the best titles coming out of GameSalad.
This could be part of your new Channel you are building - I am not sure - but I do think your website needs some serious attention. Not only for your own benefit inside Gamesalad with an up to date marketing stream. But it also helps us users have goals to aim for.
Just some thought that have been straying around in my head for a while.
Regards, M@
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Nor is it a solution to the business conundrum above. Things need to be done not only to the backend of GameSalad but also to the front end. The customer facing end. That's before the user facing end.
Suggestions I have made benefit all these areas.
I am taking my lifetime of experience and giving some advice to the team. I know you do the same for us in areas where you are strong.
On a more positive note, I completely agree with you. I've been with gamesalad a number of years now and the success stories page has never been updated in my time here, as I'm sure @FryingBaconStudios will agree, being a long serving member too. It does all seem to need updating to reignite and re-inspire.
@FryingBaconStudios do you agree?
@iCreationZ thanks for the positive - I think it does need a serious look.
I understand that Gamesalad might be suffereing with staffing levels, but perhaps senior members of the community and other experienced people could be given access to chip in and post their own articles. This would keep the site fresh and get the community involved a lot more.
And yeah the success stories needs some love and attention - as it stands it gives the impression that nobody has been successful with Gamesalad for years.
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I have a communications degree with a minor in PR and marketing. Unlike some loud mouths, not all, around here I have decades of experience and a formal education holding two degrees and I've actually made real six figure money in my life with my business ventures. I could care less what you think, I'll walk out of my paid for house and take a one minute stroll to the beach and kick back and not worry because I have no bills. Maybe if you had half a brain you might realize I can offer advice that can help you get to where I am but I guess most of you already know everything. How's that working out for you?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
If I was looking for software to make a game I'd look at the website (not the forum) and the current success stories would probably put me off as they're so dated (no offence meant to the people that made those games).
You're not really wow'ing people with the software on the site, so let the community help showcase GameSalad for you.
Create some showcase videos too with examples from some of the best looking games made recently and make sure you create a new video at least once a year.
I could name at least one game engine that makes some impressive showcase videos on their site and YouTube.
I know we've already mentioned all of this above. I'm just repeating it because I also feel that these are the first improvements you should be making to the site
The stories section was one of the first places I looked and that's needs a refresh with some new ones - show off some of the amazing games that have been released lately
If we could have a Game of the Month system like this >
That would be great for GameSalad and great for the people who made the games too. Sometimes there's more than one, two or three good games each month so we could have honorable mentions get added too perhaps?
I personally like to get a lot of these games to see what is possible
Cheers, M@
I love how fast you can build a game.
But like everyone on here says there is some major issues with gs.
As for the success stories i did not even know it was there but now i have looked at it i can say ya it needs updating.
I would not mind being on that page i hands down destroy those games in downloads/rankings(App Annie).
I have made #1 overall app in russia and many other countries and have 10,000+ downloads a day. On release days i can rake in 100,000+ downloads and i hold top 10 in 3 apps in there categories/US. Ive also broke the 2mill download just a bit back.
All of this with gamesalad.
I would also like to say i do not like how game of the month is picked i think there should be a community vote you could use that fancy poll option that gs has.