Blurry images, no matter what...

Im not sure what the deal is with GameSalad, but there is some blurring happening when the images are displayed. I have tried jpg, and png (with and without alpha channel) that are all 72 DPI.
I even checked the actual image files inside the Gamesalad package, I overlayed it over the original in Photoshop, and there identical, but ingame the look slightly blurry and washed out.
Is Gamesalad doing some kind of bilinear filtering on the ingame graphics or something? It has to be. I would love to be able to turn this off, if that is the case.
When dealing with graphics for a screen this small, we need the graphics to look identicle to the source. Especially if it is being displayed at the exact resolution 1 to 1.
I even checked the actual image files inside the Gamesalad package, I overlayed it over the original in Photoshop, and there identical, but ingame the look slightly blurry and washed out.
Is Gamesalad doing some kind of bilinear filtering on the ingame graphics or something? It has to be. I would love to be able to turn this off, if that is the case.
When dealing with graphics for a screen this small, we need the graphics to look identicle to the source. Especially if it is being displayed at the exact resolution 1 to 1.
I think I found it. There is something in the way that the engine places the actor that it gets blurry if it is at exactly a whole number on at least one dimension. We will examine this further for future releases. But until then, if you manually edit an instance, and add/subtract .5 from its position, then usually it will clear up the image on the GameSalad Creator scene editor.
EDIT: Currently, if it is blurry on the scene, it seems sharp on the GameSalad Viewer. We're looking into it.
What about moving objects? I guess they will still have the bluring.