Can I create a Custom Scene Editor?

MantoManto Member Posts: 796
edited August 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm wondering if I am allowed to create a scene editor to make scene editing a bit easier by adding features like grid, snap to grid, multi select, etc. I didn't find anything on in the TOS that would refuse doing it. Basically what it would do is import the xml files and export them after you have edited the scene. Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • BoomshackBarryBoomshackBarry Posts: 712
    Accepted Answer
    I imagine it would fall under the same legal area as the tools that the deep blue apps guys build to edit Gamesalad xml files, and they seem to be allowed to do it :)

    If you do manage to build an editor with the missing features that everyone is desperate for I reckon you could sell an absolute shedload of copies on this forum alone!


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