App Store Badge usage. ? Clarification
I've read the ''App Store Marketing and Advertising Guidelines for Developers" but am not clear if I can use the App Store badge in advance of the release date. When marketing my game, I would like to use the "Available on the App Store" badge in conjunction with the release date. IE: "Available on the App Store September 15, 2013" However, I get the impression that you can't use the badge until you are up and live on the store.
If I can't include the badge in my Pre-release marketing, then I'll just include a title saying: "Coming September 15th", but Apple also states that you need to include them in all advertising for apps that are available on the App Store, so this seems confusing and potentially contradictory to me.
Can anyone provide insight into this?
If I can't include the badge in my Pre-release marketing, then I'll just include a title saying: "Coming September 15th", but Apple also states that you need to include them in all advertising for apps that are available on the App Store, so this seems confusing and potentially contradictory to me.
Can anyone provide insight into this?