Oculus Rift!! The VrJam Contest IS OVER! Nerding Out Time With My Indie Dev Families
I'm not out to promote any competitive software, only discuss the Virtual reality contest I entered with the Oculus rift Hardware. So let's avoid software use discussions guys!
I've entered a few GameSalad contest as well. So I have a pretty impressive record for losing these indie game competitions. Ha
Feel free to nerd out with me over my entry, tell me what you guys think. I've even submitted a build for those interested in playing my entry...
Titled: "DronPit"... Not to be confused with drone! This is a Sci-fi space shooter where you control “The Rider” as he prevents the Android Aliens from destroying his city Sectors.
This game only uses the Oculus. No Controller, No Keyboard, No Mouse... 100% Oculus Rift... This version is “NOT DIFFICULT TO BEAT” sorry for the last buggy upload. I was notified that it was impossible to complete a level. A few scripting errors on my part.

“Click here to download from sendspace”
PC BUILD/ Oculus Build: http://www.sendspace.com/file/v2ldb6
MAC BUILD/ Oculus Build: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x9rdyz
Unfortunately everyone doesn’t have an Oculus Rift; weird, I know right?!
This is for you nerdy game lovers, formatted for PC, and Mac Standalones.
But you do miss out on the experience the oculus developers love.
-Community Builds
PC BUILD/ NO Oculus Needed: http://www.sendspace.com/file/eby9u4
MAC BUILD/ NO Oculus Needed: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cnvxz5
Feedback please. I'm pretty sure this doesn't violent any of the GS forum rules, but if it does. Let me know.
Enjoy guys and gals
I'm not out to promote any competitive software, only discuss the Virtual reality contest I entered with the Oculus rift Hardware. So let's avoid software use discussions guys!
I've entered a few GameSalad contest as well. So I have a pretty impressive record for losing these indie game competitions. Ha
Feel free to nerd out with me over my entry, tell me what you guys think. I've even submitted a build for those interested in playing my entry...
Titled: "DronPit"... Not to be confused with drone! This is a Sci-fi space shooter where you control “The Rider” as he prevents the Android Aliens from destroying his city Sectors.
This game only uses the Oculus. No Controller, No Keyboard, No Mouse... 100% Oculus Rift... This version is “NOT DIFFICULT TO BEAT” sorry for the last buggy upload. I was notified that it was impossible to complete a level. A few scripting errors on my part.

“Click here to download from sendspace”
PC BUILD/ Oculus Build: http://www.sendspace.com/file/v2ldb6
MAC BUILD/ Oculus Build: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x9rdyz
Unfortunately everyone doesn’t have an Oculus Rift; weird, I know right?!
This is for you nerdy game lovers, formatted for PC, and Mac Standalones.
But you do miss out on the experience the oculus developers love.
-Community Builds
PC BUILD/ NO Oculus Needed: http://www.sendspace.com/file/eby9u4
MAC BUILD/ NO Oculus Needed: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cnvxz5
Feedback please. I'm pretty sure this doesn't violent any of the GS forum rules, but if it does. Let me know.
Enjoy guys and gals
Where is the love?
Okay, everyone working on their own stuff. I get it.
I'm guessing the game auto-fires as soon as you're locked on to a target? That's cool, it's kind of like the oculus rift version of a one-button game like jetpack joyride, nice and easy for non-gamers to get in to. Providing they have an oculus rift already haha
You sir are very right. I wanted to make sure people new to the rift would have no problem diving right into my entry and experiencing the madness. Just wanted to keep it simple.
I've also uploaded a version that does not require an individual to have the oculus as well.
-The "Community Builds" listed below...
The PC/Mac standalone build links have been posted too. Thanks for the comment, I know it's hard for people to pull themselves away from their on priorities these day. Your too kind! :-* ^:)^
Thanks again :-B
Looks really good