my game in adhoc is slow

I have already post a discussion about my game in prewien is slow:
we answered me that the only solution to know if it will be slow when people download it it's to make an adhoc
I make an adhoc and my game is slow
exemple the play buttom
I touch it and at the down it's load but nothing happen
in preview it work
ans the other scenes are slow to charge
I don"t know what I had to do so please help me
thank you


  • tiestotiesto Member Posts: 122
    I finished my game and I'm scared about the idea that I maybe wiil not be able to publish
    For all my actor pre-loader is off
    I creat the game in GS 0.9 and I upgrade to GS 0.10 and the became more slow
    on GS 0.9 it's also slow to open the store scene it take more then 15seconds
    the endless scene( principal scene: I made an endless game) would not open.
    please need your help
    it's the final step and I publish my game
  • zweg25zweg25 Member Posts: 738
    You need to "recycle" or not use so many rules and actors, also constrains slow the game down. The larger the game the slower it gets, maybe you have to many pictures or they are to high quality. Try making your game smaller and try to compact as many things into one scene instead of changing scenes for everything.

    Hope that helps
  • tiestotiesto Member Posts: 122
    I have a scene 207000*480
    I have 128 rules and 500 pictures
    350 actors
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    Wow that scene is large!
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Damn that's way too big. No wonder it's slow. There are better ways to do a never ending scroller without the screen being that big.
  • tiestotiesto Member Posts: 122
    and for the rules pictures and actors I need to delete a part of them?
    also @FryingBaconStudios could you give me exemple of others ways to do a never ending
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    edited August 2013
    I started a never ending race game where the scene size was 320x568. I created 3 backgrounds at 320x568 side by side and move them x amount of pixels in one direction depending on the speed the actor was travelling. When one background scrolled off of the screen completely it was moved back to the right of the scene ready to scroll back in. The actor was constrained to one axis.

    It was actually a vertically scroller but it's easier to understand side by side than saying they were stacked on top of each other. The number of backgrounds you add is limitless but you'd need to make sure that they tile nicely otherwise it will look odd.
  • tiestotiesto Member Posts: 122
    so if I let all my actors and just resize the scene the game will be more fast
    also can I let all my rules actors and pictures ?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited August 2013
    ive found that once you get more than 30-40 actors that have moveable checked the game's performance starts to tank. make sure you have moveable checked ONLY when you need it.

    however, as far as not loading, that points to a bad rule somewhere. the preview in the creator is very forgiving and will work with a bad rule. adhoc does not, and when you see scenes that load forever, 9 times out of 10 there is a bad rule that is typically missing an attribute in the expression.
  • tiestotiesto Member Posts: 122
    and for the rules their number do not limit the performance of the game
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    if you have 350 actors with 100s of rules each then yes.

    if you have 350 actors with just a few rules that could be ok as long as they are not moveable

    if you have 350 actors with moveable enabled, you game will not run for long (if at all) on mobile devices.

    (this is just based on my past experience)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    There isn't enough space to tell you how to build a game but @kevincross layed out the basic idea. You set a decent size say 7,000 - 8,000 and track the loops. Then you would tell items to realign, spawn in, change image et.. It's a combination of tons of techniques. This is why so many of us preach building many small to medium games before trying to tackle large games. Each game teaches you things. Game development is a marathon not a sprint. I imagine as @jonmulcahy pointed out you have bad rules, conflicting code, bloated logic et... Most users around here lack the patience to properly learn the software. They all want to jump in and reinvent the gaming industry. This doesn't ever happen. Take Pixar studios, those guys labored for decades learning, designing, making small two minute films so 20 years later they could make toy story. Toy story was 20 years in the making. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Game development right now is like the Gold Rush of the 1800's the vast majority who rushed west to get in on the action either died, labored for years and went home broke. Only a small bunch got rich. This is life. There is no easy road, there is no gold rush. The time tested things that work are, dedicated study, hard work, sacrifice, risk and patience and unwavering belief and dedication. When I was learning GS I watched every video over and over. I read all Apple documentation. I spent a year making sample projects, trying out ideas and made a couple small apps for my golden books brand. I still study everyday. I still prototype projects. It's just now I think and test out ideas where there are no tutorials or know solutions. All the people around here you see doing great stuff live and breath this. It consumes them and they pour themselves in someway everyday into it. Short of being like that, you're better off just playing the lottery, frankly you'll have better odds.
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