How to fake 3d walking through a street
Member Posts: 3
So I'm new to this forum, but not new to gamesalad. I have some understanding from gamesalad.
Currently I'm trying to fake a 3d picture. I'm trying to fake that somebody is walking through a street and you see that from the back.
Thanks in advanced
Currently I'm trying to fake a 3d picture. I'm trying to fake that somebody is walking through a street and you see that from the back.
Thanks in advanced
But you said you're already versed in Creator, so what seems to be the problem? We could use a bit more info regarding your dilemma.
This is going to be a combination of different things working, in order to achieve the result you want. Take note that this isn't the very best way to do this (to each his own), and all will be descriptive pseudocode so unless someone else drops by and gives you a more direct solution or even a template, you will have to learn to implement everything on your own take it like a guide in the right direction. I like it better this way. Anyways::
For scaling: You should look at the Interpolate Behaviour.
This should allow you to create the illusion of distance. You have to take into consideration an Actor's placement depending on distance -- e.g. if you're simply shrinking an Actor, it will change its size but remain on the same location or coordinate. This will make it float and therefore you have to make sure he is pinned down to the game world's ground. You can either play with Interpolate some more or use something else like the Change Attribute Behaviour (which in turn, will be activated each time a certain condition is met. Like a distance counter).
For collision: You should look at Collision Rules.
You'll notice this Rule has an "Overlaps or Collides with Actor" condition. That should already give you a good idea to start working with.
Now, even though Creator allows you to place Actors within Layer folders, it is still a 2D environment and therefore detecting Collision between two Actors in a faux 3D environment can still get tricky. An obvious example would be, if you have an Actor dead set in front of the screen, and his ears somehow overlap with the outline of a faraway/in-the-distance Actor's feet, no matter their theoretical distance from each other, the engine would still consider this an Overlap or a Collision event because they do still overlap within View.
So the simple solution for this would be making use of a distance counter. It's like taking note of the theoretical Z Axis location of your Character, and continuously comparing it with the Z Axis location of the objects or other characters around him. Ergo, objects should only execute a Collision event if they are well within a realistic albeit theoretical distance from each other with respect to Z.
I highly suggest you brush up your knowledge with Attributes for this. Decide if you want to go with Global/Game Attributes (not recommended for this), or Scene Attributes (this requires unlocking Actors, so you might want to read up on Prototype Actors as well).
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's more than enough to get you started.
I really suggest you read the ENTIRE GameSalad CookBook, I cannot stress this enough. It is a fantastic read for beginners.
Next, watch all the GameSalad video tutorials you can find on YouTube. Don't just search for the ones you need at the moment -- watch and actually try all of them to familiarise yourself with all the tricks. You not only learn how to achieve the original goal of the tutorial, but you also learn the fundamentals in reaching that conclusion and you get to apply this to other similar/related situations.
Anyway, this post has gone and went to be a very long one @-) looks like I got carried away.
Anyway good luck. That is all. Cheers.
So this is what I do: I try to help other people with their specific problems, with the hope that somewhere along the way I pick up some interesting ideas from either their problems or the solutions I manage to provide... No luck yet though 8-} my pro subscription's a-wastin'!