Glad you like it and managing to build a game from it Looking forward to seeing your progress/final game. I'm currently working with the template now to create a Bejewelled clone which I might share at a later date (depending on how far I get with it)
You don't have to, but if you do find a solution for the bugs would you mind sharing them please for others? Maybe editing my original file if it's a quick fix or explaining the fix in a post/comment
Sure, if I have the time, I'll share with others. I'm currently finishing a game, and trying to keep the pace in other two projects, so It may take a while!
I'm currently trying to reset scene, instead of reset game, as you had, so I've created an actor to reset the attributes. I've resetted most of them, but the game crashes when I try to reset scene. Any ideas?
When you reset the scene you also need to reset the table and because there isn't a behaviour to reset table you'll need to create new versions of each table and add something like MASTER or ORIGINAL to the end of the name of the newly created tables.
Don't rename the existing ones because then you'll have to go through and change references throughout the code.
Make sure the new tables have the same structure as the ones that exist in your project at the moment, export and import csv files should help set them up quickly.
Once created where I have reset game on the play button you can change it to reset scene. You can then add the copy table behaviours to either the play button or on the jewel spawner actor i.e.
Copy Table: tblColourGrid MASTER to tblColourGrid Copy Table: tblJewels MASTER to tblJewels
You'll also need to set gameOver to false and set other game attributes to their defaults like score and jewelCounter etc.
This worked for me.
I've updated the file to work with reset scene instead of reset game
I did it, and it worked nicely. Resetted the game.score and such, but i can't change the order of the squares, after I reset. Which is the attribute that is linked to that? Thanks.
What do you mean the order if the squares? Cycling through the colours? Try setting game.cyclingColours to false before or after your reset scene behaviour. Sorry I didn't test that when checking the reset scene.
Set parentJewelID to 0 before or after you reset scene. It's not switching because the parentJewelID only changes if the jewelID spawned is greater than the last parentJewelID, and parentJewelID still has a high number from the previous game. I'll amend the version and upload it in a mo, but for now that will fix the problem.
Yes, it was parentJewelID. I got it working before your edit, but now it works! I'm making menus and changing scenes to menu and such, I'm getting some bugs, because of the attributes to reset, but I'm working on it.
You don't have to, but if you do find a solution for the bugs would you mind sharing them please for others? Maybe editing my original file if it's a quick fix or explaining the fix in a post/comment
EDIT: Like this Hard Mode, in Monochrome.
Don't rename the existing ones because then you'll have to go through and change references throughout the code.
Make sure the new tables have the same structure as the ones that exist in your project at the moment, export and import csv files should help set them up quickly.
Once created where I have reset game on the play button you can change it to reset scene. You can then add the copy table behaviours to either the play button or on the jewel spawner actor i.e.
Copy Table: tblColourGrid MASTER to tblColourGrid
Copy Table: tblJewels MASTER to tblJewels
You'll also need to set gameOver to false and set other game attributes to their defaults like score and jewelCounter etc.
This worked for me.
I've updated the file to work with reset scene instead of reset game
If you've downloaded it before you may need to clear your cache as I've found in the past it's not picked up the newest version, especially in Chrome.
But it should right?
EDIT: Version amended and uploaded.
I'm making menus and changing scenes to menu and such, I'm getting some bugs, because of the attributes to reset, but I'm working on it.