In the coming days/weeks I hope to have a great number of questions, but for now I want to say hello to the forum, thank you for being here, and to ask once I do come up with those questions, where should I put them?
I am intent on, and have the means to, spend every day for the next few months fleshing out into a final product a project i have been working on for more than a year now, off and on, in three incarnations.
Its high time I get it done and I plant to do exactly that.
So on that note if someone could also tell me where would be the best place to layout my project so that I can get help and criticism on it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I would like to know if and how much of any profits I make are going to be taken by Gamesalad? I saw a tax button on this website earlier and I'm very curious and cautious about it. In between the hardware makers cut (especially if it is apple), the governments cut, and so forth I want to know what I'm getting into before i jump in.
And lastly, where can I find more information about joints and making them?
Thank you and have a great day everyone.
I am intent on, and have the means to, spend every day for the next few months fleshing out into a final product a project i have been working on for more than a year now, off and on, in three incarnations.
Its high time I get it done and I plant to do exactly that.
So on that note if someone could also tell me where would be the best place to layout my project so that I can get help and criticism on it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I would like to know if and how much of any profits I make are going to be taken by Gamesalad? I saw a tax button on this website earlier and I'm very curious and cautious about it. In between the hardware makers cut (especially if it is apple), the governments cut, and so forth I want to know what I'm getting into before i jump in.
And lastly, where can I find more information about joints and making them?
Thank you and have a great day everyone.
Welcome to the forums!
If, at any point you do have a question, you can create a new thread and post it in the correct category. For example, a logic question would most likely go in the GameSalad 101 category.
Also, head on over to GSHelper.com for tons (200+) of free video tutorials and free project files. It's a great way to learn the engine.
GameSalad does not take any profit you earn. Apple, however, does take 30% of everything you make.
Hopefully these help you on your journey.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you throw out there!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I also have a few good step-by-step tutorials at my website linked in my signature below.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page