having problems creating a cover-flow for ipad landscape

MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279

There are a few templates for a cover-flow-effect for GameSalad. For example one from DeepBlueApps. Another one, what was optimized.
But no one of them was for ipad landsape. I have the res 1024x768, and I've tried now several times to put it into my app, but it doesn't work correct.
I add/edit all attributes, actors and so on. Also I didn't forget the "otherwises". I think it is, because of the changing of the coordinates.
So, maybe I oversee a template finished for ipad landscape? Or can anyone help me?

Best, Marco


  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279
    Well, I've test that now a lot of times and I am sure to "import" (add) all this variables (1:1), but I got the results as attached. The first screen shows the editor. There it seems all right, but I wonder there, that the camera settings doesn't look the same. In "Origin" and "Tracking Area", there I see in the original all data at "0". But the view in the editor is different.
    In the result I see only this white box, with the blue line - and can't move anything (or didn't see any changes).
    Where is my mistake?
  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279
    I finish it. When using the coordinates in the camera-settings as in the original, it doesn't work. But I tried a bit and now it works!
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