iOS App Marketing eBook [Kindle]
I wrote this book to share some tactics on how to promote and market apps in the App Store. It has everything from beginner tactics to advanced strategies and even charts. It's only 5 bucks. Available on kindle.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
with both this and your former username you've offered services before, so people may think this is just like those other things.
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iOS Marketing is not the same as it used to be. When the App Store launched in 2008, getting publicity was much easier than it is now. Developers were able to sell their apps for more, with much less competition. That is no longer the case. Now, there are hundreds of thousands of applications on the App Store, and more are being submitted every day. In this book, I will focus on marketing in the iOS App Store, but I will also have some information about Android and other app stores.
The iPhone is a revolutionary device that has changed the way people approach technology. It’s now possible for a human to tap a button and start a car, pay for a meal, or do any number of things. But you, the developer, will be the powering force behind the latest revolutionary technologies. You need to realize that developers are the lifeblood of any mobile OS. You are the provider of apps, and apps are what make people want to buy phones. It’s up to you to choose the best platform which will meet your needs and desires.
In the course of this book, I will point out challenges that small developers face, and offer countless tips, tricks, and strategies that you can use to make your app succeed on the iOS App Store. No longer will just submitting apps and hoping for downloads cut it. Every developer should have a marketing strategy to go along with a great app.
I have seen all sorts of ploys by you specifically post in these forums. Your marketing services, publishing services, icon/logo making service, template marketplace, and my personal favorite of buying orher peoples games at rodiculouslt under valued prices to sell as though you made something yourself.
But... What I have never seen is you post about how you have developed a game of your own and had an extremely successful marketing strategy that propelled it to the top of the App Store. And see that's probably the most important thing to have when you plan to teach or educate someone. It's credibility on the subject. Your books introduction should have some mention of why it is people should pay any attention to you as a credible resource. But it doesn't its merly more of an essay of information that you have read from other books and websites.
While it certainly may be valid infomation why is it people should read your 17 page ebook instead of the books and websites you have read from? Oh and to @quantumsheep point. I would have to agree quantity doesn't mean quality. But one would have to assume that 17 pages is not nearly enough to cover the magnitude of information one might need to consider when planning something as important as their marketing strategy. Heck I have watched lectures from the guys at Rovio that lasted something like 1.5 hours.
Ill get off my soap box now. But man it sure would be nice to see you actually make a game and stop trying to come up with other ways to make money off the forums.
Basicly if I knew a winning way, I wouldn't be sharing it for five bucks.
But you never know, hope it helps some developers out there.
@MillionairApps I don't have a reason not to share it. It's not a surefire way to win. It's similar to a stock market book. There is no guarantee, but reading it helps your odds.
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