Should you stick to one style of game making or two?


Just wanted to know your opinion about if you should stick to making games one style, or do different styles.
For example, do retro 8 bit games and cartoonish style games, or stick to only one style.




  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    Stick to what you like doing, there's little point doing styles you don't like or not very good at just to be different.

    If you've got the skill set to mix it up then do so.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited September 2013 what you enjoy, like or something different that inspires you.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    edited September 2013
    I do both. It can also be a way to learn a new trick. I did bitmap in the 80s on my Commodore 64 and never since but last month I started making bitmap assets using illustrator and found it very easy to do. And a lot of fun above all.
    Btw, I don't think 8-bit is the right term despite a lot of people use that. Most retro bitmap art I see is 16-bit style.

    See attached picture, left is 8-bit, right is 16-bit (picture comes from: )
  • VolontaArtsVolontaArts Member Posts: 510
    yep, i feel there is no one 1 style when it comes to that... its more what your feeling at the moment or what your idea is. if you have an idea that you think pixel are would be good for then go for it... it your feeling a cartoon ap go with that...

    thats if you are able to do the you can always learn though
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